The presence of World Bank and other International Financial Institutions makes the sources of life as a commodity, which is grabbed, and destroyed, as well as contributing to the destruction of society's (social, economic, cultural, knowledge, and spiritual values), particularly to women’s lives.
Why We Need
World Beyond Banks
The presence of World Bank and other International Financial Institutions makes the sources of life as a commodity, which is grabbed, and destroyed, as well as contributing to the destruction of society’s (social, economic, cultural, knowledge, and spiritual values), particularly to women’s lives. People of the world and including Indonesia have been experiencing havoc impacts of infrastructure projects, among them are funded by WB and other IFIs. It causes land grabbing, loss of community livelihood, environmental destruction, even criminalization and the lost of life due to agrarian conflict. Loan and Grants from World Bank are also affect on policy intervention, deregulation, and privatization of public services which really needed by women.
As we know that WB and IMF are two main actors who contributing to strengthening of inequality, impoverishment, and injustice. Therefore, during the annual meeting of World Bank and IMF in Bali, Indonesia on 10 – 14 october 2018, Gerak Lawan call all social movement and civil society in the world to join our resistance toward current fail global economic system that endorsed and perpetuated by WB and IMF.

A national coalition in Indonesia, formed in 2005, aiming to struggle current neo-colonialism-imperialism practices in Indonesia. This movement includes peasants, migrants, fisherfolk, women, youth, human rights lawyers, and many others organizations has been join forces in ADB Forum 2005 and End WTO 2013.
map of movements
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